Organic Long Grain Brown Rice

Long Grain Brown Rice is a type of cereal that got its name due to its dark color. Grains do not undergo deep processing, and an outer coating remains with a brown tint. Brown rice is more nutritious than white. It has a nutty flavor because the bran is “attached” to the grains and contains oils with unsaturated fats.


Nutrition and Health Benefits

Calorie of Organic Long Grain Brown Rice is quite significant. In general, it is 100 kilocalories per 1 ounce. However, once cooked, the number of calories decreases almost three times. It allows you to satisfy your body and receive a mass of nutrients. Organic Long Grain Brown Rice contains a large number of beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Brown Rice contains, on average, 3-3.5 times more protein than white rice and 12 times more fiber. This rice contains a wide range of B vitamins, as well as trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. It also contains selenium, zinc, and vitamin E. Organic Long Grain Brown Rice is perfect for puddings, casseroles, cereals, pilaf, risotto. It goes well with seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, dried fruits. Please store this grain in an airtight and sealed bag, place it in a cool, dry place, to prolong shelf life, and keep it fresh.

Cooking Instructions

  • The recipe calls for 6 cups of water per cup of rice.
  • For this technique, you’ll boil your rice in an abundance of water for 30 minutes.
  • Drain off the excess water.
  • Return the rice to the pot, cover.
  • Let the rice steam for 10 minutes.
  • Ta da! Perfect brown rice, every time.
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